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Elevate Festival Videos 2024

Elevate Festival Medienarchiv

Koenig (at)

koenig a.k.a. Fka MC Bishop, Steve Raguza, Henri Torrino, King Al, Fat Luke, Lukas Koenig, Snoop Jizza, Snoop Kisser, MEL Jackson fizzer, Luke Dog, Snoop Dizza, Luke Jizz delivers a blend of drumming, basssynthesizers, noise, choirs and Dada recitatives. A sensational showcase of flexible time-structures, with a particular emphasis on expressive micro-rhythm, within its own repeating patterns, is koenig’s musical fingerprint.

Koenig (Lukas König) melds Hip Hop with Techno, seamlessly. With his new EP “koenig” Lukas König embraces his soft spot for Hip-hop
without inhibition, nor restraint. Lyrical furor, rough grooves and murderous synthesizer sounds drive the songs. Occasionally very out there, it nevertheless rouses, captivates and infects.