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Freitag, 05 März 2021

Freitag, 5. März

22:00 - 22:30 FM4

Angel-Ho ist eine südafrikanische Transgender-Künstlerin, Musikerin, LGBTQ-Aktivistin und selbsternannte Neo-Pop-Diva aus Kapstadt. Sie ist gemeinsam mit Chino Amobi und Nkisi Begründerin des NON-Worldwide-Labels. In ihren Sets thematisiert sie soziale Themen wie die Unterdrückung queerer, afrikanischer Körper, Drag und den digitalen Raum. Dezidierte Agenda ist das Aufbrechen von Geschlechter-Binaritäten, Identitäten und Machtstrukturen.


How is the overall vibe in your city?

The vibe is quite gloomy regarding covid-19. We all desperately wish to return things back to normal, or whatever that normal was. 

Can you elaborate a bit on the mood you’ve been in, while recording your set? 

I was excited to create a live spectacular. Mostly in surreal happiness, a state of sonic bliss. 

How do you feel about the overwhelming presence of digital / social media in comparison to the lack of social time IRL? 

I miss the reality of going and moving freely, it's as if we have been further oppressed by covid 19 regulations in work and social life. All this time online has narrowed my mind and concentration. 

Does this at some point influence your musical production? The lack of the crowd? How?

Well it only makes me imagine and reflect on the times I have been in front of a crowd and the rush always finds me when creating.

The Elevate Festival 2021 theme is Momentum. Which social or political cause would deserve more Momentum?

The Liberation of trans people and Black people are the causes I am fighting for. This is all about education. We need our education to be practiced in decolonial ways. I see the youth's obsession with social media but they will realize soon enough that it is a complete illusion and perception that is unique to the individual.


Lockdown Grooves ist Teil von Re-Imagine Europe, kofinanziert durch das Programm Kreatives Europa der Europäischen Union.
In Kooperation mit FM4.

