Geoff Tansey (uk)
The independent author and consultant Geoff Tansey keeps himself busy first and foremost with issues of nutrition and agriculture, as well as questions over intellectual property rights and their impact on world trade and biological diversity. For over 30 years, Tansey has lobbied for a world in which each and every person can have access to healthy and sustainable nutrition. He completed his studies in Soil Sciences as well as History and the Social Studies of Science and Technology at various universities in the UK and the USA, and was involved in the founding of the trade journal Food Policy. Later, he worked on development projects in the area of sustainable agriculture in Turkey, Mongolia, Albania and Kazakhstan. Since the end of the 90`s, Tansey has primarily criticized international patent rights, which are used by powerful corporations as a form of financing while causing harm to developing countries. He has acted as a consultant to international institutions, governmental bodies and NGO`s, and published a number of influential books. Tansey was consecutively awarded first place in the Derek Cooper Award in 2008 and 2009 from the BBC.