VJ Azz

// vj azz

 ( / )
Wann / Wo >> /

made in taiwan, located in vienna.
vjing since nov 2003
domestically famous for her
dark yet colorful animation + "polite" but pushy images

not only she works at party scenes with djs like Cheb I Sabbah
(usa/algeria), but also with bands from very different styles, from
east-gypsy big band to noise/hard/grind core electronic live act,...
such as : nitro mahalia (aut), fatima spar and the freedomfries(aut),
kill the dead(aut), mike ladd(usa), lonecatalysts(NYC), firnwald(de),
mold(aut), luke vibert(uk), ego express(de), antonelli electro(de),
markus kienzl (aut), Pop Ivan (hun), Evolution Dejavu (Tschechien),
CHAKRA HACKER KOSMOSWORKESTRA(HU), vienna dub club, vienna noisecamp,
artery01,temp record, diskomo, karawane community, venetian
snares(can), jimi tenor(fin), total science(uk),... anyway, she's open
to all good music!