
host: Yukon 183 (rodeo/bande/permanent)

The Tagtool is an open-source instrument for drawing and animation for live performance. It's typically operated simultaneously by a drawer, who creates the artwork, and an animator, adding movement to the drawings with a gamepad. The aim of the Tagtool project is to explore the experience of drawing with 21st century tools. The focus is on how digital technology can enhance spontaneous communication and collaboration between artists and their audience. The Tagtool has been deployed in theatre, at jam sessions with musicians, as a VJ tool at parties, as a video-game for kids and for interventions in urban spaces.

The development of the Tagtool is an ongoing process that is open to experimentation with alternative technologies and concepts. Building instructions and the source-code are available at www.tagtool.org/developer


Ziel des Workshops ist es, ein funktionstüchtiges Tagtool für Graz zu bauen, das den Workshop-Teilnehmern für diverse Projekte zur Verfügung gestellt wird. Interessierte, die ihr eigenes Tagtool bauen möchten, können hier die Anleitung samt Einkaufsliste finden und zusammen mit Onkel Roman alle nötigen Schritte zum fertigen Tagtool beschreiten.

check gallery





