//ELEVATE - Das Schlossbergfestival Graz / 24 – 28102007

Festival for contemporary music and political discourse

Four nights packed with concerts, live acts, and DJs from all over the world. Four days of lectures, discussions, workshops, installations and performances from (independent) organizations, critical thinkers, activists and artists. Most events take place in venues carved inside the historic Schlossberg – the hill in the center of Graz.



3001//ELEVATE: Elevate Festival 2008: 05th to 09th November in Graz


2810//ELEVATE: The Elevate team would like to thank the more than 5000 visitors for the active participation in the discussions, the Elevate Lab and the music program! On Saturday evening, when Cynthia McKinney was djing and dancing with Danny Schechter at the Grüne Akademie, Elevate was once more proven to be a unique festival which brings together music and politics in a charming way. Elevate 2007 certainly was something special.


Elevate - Booklet DOWNLOAD
(in german)

[How to get to Graz], [Venues], [Hotels], [Press-Info]

myspace: http://myspace.com/elevate_festival

Contact: office@elevate.at or use our email-form