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Werner Jauk

Musicologist/media-artist Werner Jauk is working in cybernetics, music-cognition, music-sociology/-anthropology, (music-)technology and media-arts. He is the head of “pop / music + media / art” at the department of musicology of the university of Graz.
Experimental methods and computersimulation led Werner Jauk to try bridging a gap between science and art; he took part in various international congresses of science and the arts; as a scientific artist he works on interactive compositions and permanent installations in the public space and on net-art-projects. His scientific studies as well as his media-art-projects reflect the interaction of the body in virtuality created by the extension of the body - they explore the auditory logic formalized in (pop-)music as an interface to virtual and mixed realities in everyday-life. There are several scientific papers on these topics and partizipations at festivals of (media-) art (e.g. Ars Electronica, Klangturm St. Pölten / TimeBasedArtsHull/GB / Styrian Autumn / Biennale di Venezia). Werner Jauk is the National Representative Austria of the International Association for the Study of Popular Music (IASPM-D-A-CH).
Thursday, 20 Oct
We Are Europe - Opening
20:00 - 22:00
Dom Im Berg
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