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Algorithms and big data are an integral part of our daily lives, we are aware of that. It is possible to briefly define what these digital tools are, but are we able to represent them, imagine them?

The way big data and algorithms are used, no matter how diverse it may be, is elaborated at the top of the state or companies, without the consultation of civil society. They do not appear in physical space; They are invisible. That is why their real capacities and consequences are still seriously underestimated. In order to understand our digital environment better, the festival has decided to honour contemporary artists this year by giving them the opportunity to speak through three installations, as different as inspiring. Through their work, these artists anchor the virtual mechanisms in reality, in public space or inside museum.

Painted by Numbers

In the Gothische Hallen of the Graz Museum, Konrad Becker and Felix Stalder present "Painting By Numbers". This montage of six screens gives experts the opportunity to show various aspects of algorithms such as rationality, prediction, agency, regulation, politics and finally culture. The installation, which allows the viewer to choose his own path through the screens, will open on the 04th of March and end on the 10th of March.

Opening times: 
Sat.   04.03. 1700-2000 / Vernissage
Tue.  07.03. 1400-1900 
Wed. 08.03. 1400-1900 
Thu.  09.03. 1400-1900
Fri.    10.03. 1400-2200 

Speculative capital

These opening dates also correspond to the "Speculative Capital" project to be held at the ESC - Medien kunst labor. Persuaded of the obsolescence of the human being in a world where the labor market is dominated by machines, Manuel Beltràn tries to find a new utility to man in relation with the machines. Each human body generates energy from its excess heat. This energy can be recovered to power a computer producing cryptographic money. This is what Manuel Beltran is experiencing by making men, with their physical skills, a creator of capital. Is this the future of each of us?

From the 7th till the 10th of March the Institute of Human Obsolescence opens the possibility for workers to be part of the project at esc median kunst labor. It is possible to participate in working shifts of 1, 2, or 3 hours, the more hours you work the more percentage of cryptocurrency you obtain. 

You can send an email to if you want to join the adventure, don't forget to specify when you are available. 

Opening times at ESC: 
Sat.   04.03. 1800-2000 / Vernissage
Tue.  07.03. 1400-1900 
Wed. 08.03. 1400-1900
Thu.  09.03. 1400-1900 
Fri.    10.03. 1400-2200  

Drone shadow

The last installation concerns drones and lingers in particular over the warrior use of these unmanned aerial vehicles. The project "Drone Shadow" carried by James Bridle wants to make appear these objects normally invisible in the public space, by drawing in real size the shadow of the drones in the city. He states that "In order to understand the world around us, we need to draw it out. If you can not fully describe the world around you, you can not fully act in it, and are made powerless." This phrase perfectly illustrates the reason why Elevate invites artists. Beyond these actions in public space, this project is a militant act. You can discover it from 04.03 to 10.03 on Schlossbergplatz.


Do not miss the openings of those three installations, all on Saturday 04th  ! 
Drone Shadow; at schlossberg --> 16:00
Painted by Numbers; at Gothische Hallen --> 17:00
Speculative capital; at ESC --> 18:00

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