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Manifest-Action Brazil On Tour / Graz

23 - 27 Oct 2014 in Association with Elevate Festival: Exhibition & Film Screenings about Brazils long faced struggle to protect human rights, from colonial exploitation and slavery, through the military dictatorship, to the problems of today.

(no german version available!)

Exhibition & Film Screenings 23 - 27 Oct 2014
Free Entrance, Donations are welcome!


Brazil has long faced a struggle to protect human rights, from colonial exploitation and slavery, through the military dictatorship, to the problems of today. Over the past decade, Brazil has experienced strong economic growth and is starting to exercise greater political influence in the world, but the people of Brazil have also been suffering the drastic consequences of rapid development, intensified by preparations for the World Cup in Summer 2014 and the forthcoming Olympic Games. Some of these issues were discussed during the 23rd Session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, later published in the Human Rights Watch World Report of January 2014.

Curator: Alicia Bastos


Exhibition: 23 - 27 October 2014
Photographic exhibition about the violation of human rights in Brazil:
Clarissa PivettaFábio Rodrigues-PozzebomJade RainhoJorge AraújoLéo LimaLuiz BaltarNayana FernandezNey DouglasPablo Vergara

Film screenings: 27 October 2014
18.30 - 1st Session
19.30 - 21hrs 2nd session

18.30 - 1st Session: Introduction by curator Alicia Bastos & Screening of:
Bright Flower And The Scars From The Stone (Flor Brillhante e as Cicatrizes da Pedra)
Documentary, Brazil 2014 by Jade Rainho 28:14 mins.

This documentary was made in October and November 2012 and follows Bright Flower, the matriarch of an indigenous family of Guarani-Kaiowá shamans living in the Reserve of Dourados, MS, Brazil. For over 40 years, the family has suffered the consequences of contact bombing of an asphalt plant, exploring a sacred stone in the territory of the village.

Watch the Trailer:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>

The Munduruku Indians: Weaving Resistance
Documentary, Brazil / England 2014 by Nayana Fernandez. 25 mins

Filmed in late 2013 and early 2014, this documentary looks at growth of resistance of the Munduruku tribe against the threat of the mass construction of a series of damns in the Tapajós River inside the Amazon forest, planned by the Brazilian Government.

Watch the Trailer:
<iframe src="//" width="560" height="315" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen="" mozallowfullscreen="" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>

19.30 - 2nd Session
Public Domain (Domíno Público)
Documentary by Paêbiru, 2014. 98 mins

Between 2011 and 2014, the documentary investigated the changes in Rio de Janeiro on behalf of mega-events: UPPs in favelas, forced evictions, privatisation of public spaces and popular uprisings.

Watch the Trailer:
<iframe src="//" width="560" height="315" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen="" mozallowfullscreen="" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>


All documentaries will be screened in english
Location: FORUM STADTPARK, Stadtpark 1 - 8010 Graz

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