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Film: A Climate For Conflict
Austrian Premiere

SO, 2017, 15 min, OV with English subtitles
Directed by: Nichole Sobecki, Laura Heaton
A Climate for Conflict investigates how climate change is a catalyst for conflict and will intensify the challenges of global instability, hunger, poverty, and migration. As one of the places hardest hit on the planet by climate change, Somalia is the canary in the coal mine for the rest of us. In a generation, parts of the country have gone from being semi-arid to desert, fueling conflict and pushing one of the world’s most resilient communities to the brink.
This film interweaves the intimate stories of people living in Somalia and trying to cope with a changing environment: a fisherman starts pirating boats when he can no longer make a living at sea; a camel herder goes to war with neighbors over pasture and water; a farmer joins the extremist group Al-Shabaab when drought becomes too intense.
After the screening: Panel Climate Refugees with Nnimmo Bassey (Alternative Noble Prize laureate, Health of Mother Earth Foundation - HOMEF) and Roxana Baldrich (Germanwatch)
Co-presented by: Crossroads - Festival für Dokumentarfilm und Diskurs
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