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Doro Blancke (at)

Doro Blancke, born in Linz/Upper Austria in 1961, living in Graz, Styria, Austria, two adult children, ceramics artist, human rights and refugee activist. Founder of “Gib mir deine Hand”(“Give me your hand”), a private NGO offering support and assistance to refugees. 2015: working daily at the border with Slovenia in Spielfeld for two months. Organised and directed various projects: Let’s cook 2gether (refugees and Austrians cooking together), streetwork with refugees at the central train station in Graz. Numerous activities to foster a peaceful co-existence between the various groups our society is made up of. 2017: Candidate of the Styrian group of “Liste Pilz”, responsible for integration/social peace.
“The leeway for a humane and constructive refugee policy is becoming smaller and smaller. Fears amongst the local population in Austria have been intentionally stirred up. It is a matter of great importance to me to raise awareness through my daily work, to help reduce fears, and to ensure that refugees are given the rights they are entitled to and treated as humans. In doing so, I hope to make a contribution which at the end of the day will benefit all of us."
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