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Cornelia Böhnisch (at)

Born and raised in Tübingen, Germany, Cornelia Böhnisch studied violin and piano as a child and has won several prizes in the 'Jugend musiziert' competition. She studied contemporary dance at the Bruckner Conservatory in Linz.
In 2010/11 she was in Berlin and Tokyo on a scholarship from the Austrian Federal Ministry of Art and Culture. In February 2013 she was Artist in Residence at Tokyo Wonder Site in Tokyo. The affinity to Japanese culture developed here has always flowed into her work. In 2015, in her project 'TANZWUT' (DANCE FUTURE), she worked together with the ensemble and external guests at the Toihaus Theater on the questions: "Why does man dance? Her dance and multimedia performance "Feed & Bleed" was nominated for the Elevate Artivism Award in 2014.
In addition to international works, she has been active at the highly interdisciplinary and contemporary Toihaus Theater since 2004, where she and her colleagues* built up the theater for young audiences. Since 2018 she has been the artistic director responsible for programme and organisation. She lives and works in Salzburg, Vienna and Tokyo.
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