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Elisabeth Mayerhofer (at)

Elisabeth Mayerhofer works in the office oft he City Councillor of Cultural Affairs and Science oft he City of Vienna. Beforehand she was themanaging director of IG Kultur Österreich (an advocacy organisation for independent cultural centres) and research fellow at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna. She was a board member oft he Austrian Society for Cultural Economics and Policy Studies (Fokus).
Research interests: cultural politics, artistic and cultural labour markets, cultural and creative industries, arts in the urban sphere, participatory cultural work and cultural management.
Recent publications:
Plafonds aus Glas und Gold: Karrieren von Frauen in der klassischen Musik In: Liebsch, Katharina; Reitsamer, Rosa (Hg.): Musik. Gender. Differenz. Intersektionale Perspektiven auf musikkulturelle Felder und Aktivitäten. (Forthcoming)
Artistic Research: Cultural and Creative Industries. In: Badura, Jens; Bippus, Elke: Handbuch künstlerischer Forschung. Diaphanes 2015.
Vienna Inertia. Gemeinsam mit Heide Kunzelmann. In: Lindner, Christoph; Donald, Stephanie (Hg.): Inert Cities. IB Tauris 2014.
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