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Joseph Paris (fr)

[Biografie nur in Englisch verfügbar]
Joseph Paris is a filmmaker and butterfly activist based in Paris (France). His work is an inspired collection of nuanced windows into life, emancipatory struggle and freedom. For a time he participated in video art exhibitions in Paris and then in 2008 he took part in the initiative of the collective Kassandre and advocated for the use of copyleft licenses in cinema . In 2012 he came across the revolt of FEMEN, the Ukrainian women's feminist movement, in the spring of 2012, followed it for a year and made a documentary, "NAKED WAR". He is currently shooting a feature film about racism of the State in France, focusing on the rise of Islamophobia after the terrorist attacks, and on the treatment inflicted to refugees in Paris. Joseph Paris is also currently working through "RADICAL CINEMA", a collective of artists and activists in Europe.
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