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Reni Hofmüller (at)
Friday, 03 Mar 2023
Reni Hofmüller focuses on art in technological contexts and explores the relationships between art, technology, and society. Sound has been her main artistic tool for a long time, but she also has a similar interest in walking and finding new networks of people to deepen her connection with her environment. She is one of the founders of esc medien kunst labor, has been involved with Radio Helsinki (the local non-commercial community radio),, and is a member of IMA. Since December 2014, she has been singing in the feminist PostPunkBand Lonesome Hot Dudes. Embedded in feminist technological collectives, she is involved in the eclectic tech carnival, TransHackFeminist Meeting, and is engaged with concepts of feminist servers.
(c) Martin GrossEnd of this page section.
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