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Lee Gamble (uk)

Lee Gamble will transform his material from "In A Paraventral Scale“, the first chapter of his upcoming Hyperdub triptych album "Flush Real Pharynx“, into a 3D ambisonic piece, which will be shown for the first time at Dom im Berg on Friday as part of the Hyperdub 15 programme in conjuction with 'The Kunstuni Graz —Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics'.
Lee Gamble is a producer and DJ of exploratory electronic/dance music, and founder of the UIQ label. From roots as a teenage DJ rinsing state-of-the-art jungle on pirate radio, Lee explored the mechanics and dimensions of computer music, avant composition and noise in the ’00s with a series of abstract, sculptural releases and live improvisational and multichannel presentations. On Mnestic Pressure, his first album with Hyperdub, signals from elsewhere that echoed through his previous releases - signals from the unconscious, sub-aqua, hallucinated, dreamt - are decoded into a terra interpretation.
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