// Remarc

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Remarc is a British Jungle producer, most known for his productions of the mid-90s. Kmag has cited him as a "major influence on contemporary breakcore/alternative d&b" artists (Soundmurderer, Enduser, DJ Scotch Egg, etc.), and has also praised him for his drum programming and "super-technical" use of the Amen break. Remarc is widely proclaimed to be 'king of the Amen' due to his chopped up tracks for labels such as Dollar, White House, Kemet, and Suburban Base. In 2003 Planet Mu released "Sound Murderer," a Remarc compilation containing tracks (many of them previously unreleased on CD) that were originally released between 1995 and 1997 on labels like Suburban Base. In the album's Pitchfork review, Scott Plagenhoef wrote that it included "some of the most deft manipulations of rhythm of the jungle era." Planet Mu released a second compilation, "Unreleased Dubs 94-96," the following year.

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