David Salomon
David Salomon
The political scientist David Solomon studied and worked at the Philipps-Universität Marburg. In addition, he worked at the Universität Kassel, TU Darmstadt and the Goethe-Universität Frankfurt. He currently represents the professorship for Political Education at the Universität Siegen. David Solomon's work focuses on theories of democracy, intellectual theory, newer theories of imperialism, political aesthetics and Brecht research. Recently his volume Demokratie (2012) in the series Basiswissen was published by PapyRossa.
Saturday, 27 Oct
Towards a New Democracy
16:00 - 18:00
Forum Stadtpark
Sunday, 28 Oct
Towards a New Democracy - Part 2
10:00 - 12:00
Grüne Akademie
Universität Siegen (de)- http://www.papyrossa.de/sites_buchtitel/salomon_demokratie.htm
- "Demokratie" - PapyRossa Basiswissen (2012)