Mark Stevenson
Mark Stevenson
Mark Stevenson is an entrepreneur, futurologist and author of "An Optimist’s Tour of the Future". He is co-founder of learning agency Flow Associates, futurologist-in-residence at Primary Energy Research and on the advisory board of Richard Branson’s Virgin Earth Challenge. He is a fellow of the RSA, Nibmaster General at the Ministry of Stories and founder of The League of Pragmatic Optimists. “Stevenson wears no blindfold. His tools are curiosity, open-mindedness, clarity and reason.” – Chris Anderson, TED CuratorSunday, 28 Oct
Elevate Awards 2012
20:00 - 22:00
Dom Im Berg
Flow Associates,League For Pragmatic Optimists (uk)
- http://anoptimiststourofthefuture.com
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Stevenson
- http://www.gourmet.com/food/gourmetlive/2012/010412/10-questions-for-mark-stevenson
- http://oe1.orf.at/artikel/313466
- An Optimist's Tour of the Future: One Curious Man Sets Out to Answer 'What's Next?'
- Mark Stevenson: Morgen ist heute gestern: Eine optimistische Reise in die Zukunft
- https://twitter.com/Optimistontour