Ursula Tischner
Prof. Ursula Tischner studied Architecture and Industrial Design and specialized in Eco- and Sustainable Design of products and services. After her master graduation in Germany she worked as a researcher at the German Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy, where she was involved in research and developing concepts such as eco-efficiency, MIPS, Factor 4 and Factor 10, Ecodesign, Eco-Innovation etc. In 1996 she founded econcept, Agency for Sustainable Design, in Cologne (www.econcept.org). With econcept she carries out research and consulting projects with small and large companies and other organizations on sustainable- and eco-design and innovation. She organized numerous training and educational courses and programs, such as the Sustainable Design Program at Design Academy Eindhoven NL, or Ecodesign training courses for the Electronics Industry in Korea or the Furniture Industry in Australia. In 2010 she became Prof. Design for Sustainability at Savannah College of Art and Design (www.scad.edu). She publishes books and organizes conferences and networks around Eco- and Sustainable Design, is member of design juries and standardization bodies such as ISO, and evaluator in European research programs.
Sunday, 28 Oct
Dialogforum: Fear?
15:00 - 17:00
Dom Im Berg
econcept - Agentur für Nachhaltiges Design (de)- http://www.econcept.org/index.php?option=com_contact&task=view&contact_id=4&Itemid=3
- System Innovation for Sustainability 3
- How to do EcoDesign
- https://twitter.com/Ursula_Tischner