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In-depth workshop as a follow-up to the event on Saturday:
The current crisis has triggered important debates on economic alternatives. As before, however, economic growth seems to be the only recipe to protect jobs, to ensure social integration, and to create scope for development. In the face of climate change and exploitation of resources, different parties, international institutions, and trade unions advocate so-called "green growth”. They believe that environmental problems could become manageable through an adequate decoupling of economic growth and resource consumption.
However, an increasing number of voices doubt that. They argue convincingly and are backed up by various research findings. The search for ways in which prosperity can be achieved (for all) without economic growth is therefore one of the major challenges of our time.
What could "just degrowth" look like? What changes are needed in order to achieve it? What specific next steps should be taken?
Sunday, 28 Oct
12:30 - 14:30
Grüne Akademie
Information & Links
- "Gutes Wachstum ist eine Illusion" - Ein Streitgespräch
- Postwachstum: Krise, ökologische Grenzen und soziale Rechte
- Ausgewachsen: Ökologische Gerechtigkeit. Soziale Recht. Gutes Leben
- Die Grenzen des Kapitalismus: Wie wir am Wachstum scheitern
- Diskurskombinat - Matthias Schmelzer zur Wachtumskritik (2010)
Matthias Schmelzer (de)
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