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Thursday, 05 Aug 2021
Ariadne von Schirach speaks on the festival theme "Momentum":
The world is out of control. You don't know where to look any more. At the global pandemic? Or at those who deny it? To the latest drownings in the Mediterranean? Or the latest report on discriminatory algorithms? And climate change doesn't stop just because we're still distracted by Corona.
But our present is not only confusing and crisis-ridden, it is also frightening. Old certainties no longer apply and new ones have not yet been bindingly found. Everything, really everything, has become questionable. And we are slowly realising that "the dawning of the age of aquarius" is just another word for the Flood.
This Event is presented as part of We Are Europe.
Foto (c) Rahel TaeubertEnd of this page section.
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