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Lisz Hirn (at)

Lisz Hirn (born 1984 in Austria) studied humanities and singing in Graz, Paris, Vienna and Kathmandu. She is active as a philosopher, as a publicist & as a lecturer in youth and adult education, and as a freelance artist involved in international art projects and exhibitions. 

The focus of her philosophical and scientific work is on philosophical anthropology, political philosophy, intercultural ethics and philosophical practice. A philosopher engaged in intercultural dialogue, chairwoman of the Association for Practical Philosophy and on the board of the Society for Applied Philosophy (gap), she has served as a guest lecturer at Kathmandu University in Nepal and has lectured at Sophia University and Nihon University in Tokyo, as well as at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos in Lima, among others. She also taught at the École Supérieure Roi Fahd de Traduction in Tangier, Morocco in 2015. 

From October 2015 to January 2017, she was a fellow at the Research Institute of Philosophy in Hannover, Germany. From December 2018 to February 2019, she was Residency Awardee at the prestigious Adishakti Laboratory for Arts Research in Tamil Nadu, India. Since 2014, she has been teaching at the ULG Philosophical Practice at the University of Vienna, and since fall 2020, she has also been on assignment as a University Lecturer at the Institute of Architecture and Design at the Vienna University of Technology.

Lisz Hirn currently lives and works in Vienna.


(c) Nikolai Friedrich

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