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Machiavelli's Shadow - The Dark Side of Power and Geopolitics


Saturday, 04 Mar 2023

15:00 - 16:30 Heimatsaal

This Panel sheds light on the topics of "power and influence" in politics and habituation in the political landscape. Philosopher Lisz Hirn conducts research on philosophical anthropology, political philosophy, and intercultural ethics, and poses the question "Does politics make you evil?" in her recent book. She discusses this with journalist, historian and foreign policy expert Raimund Löw, who as a former ORF foreign correspondent has already reported from the political power centers in Moscow, Beijing, Washington and Brussels and is author of the book "Welt in Bewegung. Warum das 21. Jahrhundert so gefährlich geworden ist" The panel will be hosted by Jakob Winter and Katharina Zwins, both co-founders of the factchecking platform "Faktiv". 


broadcasted live on the free radio station:  Radiofabrik Salzburg

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