// Independent people / independent Movements
Guests of the elevate-festival and workshop hosts will be:
The creator of PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) and encryption expert Philip R. Zimmermann / USA, the founder of the free online enzyclopedia Wikipedia Jimmy Wales / USA, the political scientist teaching in Mexico and author John Holloway / Ireland, the journalist, director and media-guerrilla Stephen Marshall / USA, the journalist Paulo Moura from Portugal, the political scientist and economist MMag.a Dr.in Gabriele Michalitsch / Vienna, the comedian Leo Lukas, the author Marc Amann / Germany, Harald Schmutzhard of Social Impact, as well as lots of participating artists. There is an Ausreißer Lounge, a Kulturlandschaftsplan, Screenings and much more..
Download: program information flyer (includes all workshops, etc)
Discussion: "Independent people / Independent movements"
Fr.09.09. + Sa 10.09. - 18.00 to 21.00 CET - Dom im Berg