Sarah Kumnig
Sarah Kumnig

Sarah Kumnig

Solila! is a group of landless (future) farmers and people who want to reclaim control over the production of food. It was formed during the occupation of a piece of fallow agricultural land in Vienna. Solila! wants to realize an alternative mode of production and lifestyle in the form of solidarity-based, autonomous, needs-based and sustainable food production and supply. The group is committed to food, seed and land sovereignty and calls for a halt of the obstruction of green, agriculture and autonomous spaces.
Sarah Kumnig studied social anthropology and is an activist in the field of agricultural politics.


Friday, 26 Oct

Good Food for All

16:30 - 18:30

Forum Stadtpark

SoliLa! - Solidarisch Landwirtschaften Jedlersdorf (at)

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