Good Food for All
More and more people develop the desire to eat in a socially and environmentally sustainable way. They seek alternatives to industrial agriculture and want to promote the preservation and spreading of pioneering models of peasant agriculture. A large number of inspiring new initiatives currently emerges worldwide and also in this country, in which people join forces to jointly organize their food supply.
Urban Gardening and Urban Farming is flourishing as well. Here it is not just about food production and nutrition, but also about getting active in the community and about the socio-ecological revitalization of the city. The goal is a collective improvement in the quality of life and the establishment of sustainable forms of production and coexistence.
As part of the event various initiatives will introduce themselves, and it will be possible to personally get in touch with their representatives.
Ulli Klein & Karin Schuster (KLEINeFARM GeLaWi - Gemeinschaftsgetragene Landwirtschaft / at)
Ernst Preininger & Angela Hirmann (Gemüsewerkstatt / at)
Sascha Vanicek (Niesenberger-Garten / at)
Sarah Kumnig (SoliLa! - Solidarisch Landwirtschaften Jedlersdorf / at)
Moderation: Josef Obermoser (Crossroads, Forum Stadtpark / AT)
16:30 - 18:30
Forum Stadtpark
More Information
- http://solidarische-landwirtschaft.org
- http://community.attac.at/uploads/media/Ernaehrungssouveraenitaet_Broschuere.pdf