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Ison (gr)

Samstag, 03 Mär 2018
Behind Ison lies Anastasios Diolatzis, one of the Greek music scene’s busiest ambassadors. A record collector and expert in the history of cutting edge Hellenic music, there is no one better to promote today’s budding Greek scene, with an exciting mix of Mediterranean foundations and fully contemporary sounds.
Diolatzis list of job titles is a little dizzying: dj, producer, radio presenter (the area in which he began his musical journey and continues to this day), event coordinator, concert promoter, founder of Non- Collective, and the man responsible for one of country’s most important festivals, Reworks in Thessalonika, launched in 2005. His musical passion sees no boundaries, and has lately seen him focus on his role as producer, as well as working with the band Actor One, both projects touching upon every imaginable facet of electronica.
Co-Kuratiert mit dem Reworks Festival aus Thessaloniki.
Diese Veranstaltung ist Teil der We Are Europe Festivalkooperation!
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