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Freitag, 02 Mär 2018

04:30 - 07:00 Dom Im Berg

Johanna Mayr-Keber aka Joja was born in Vienna. This city that provides a plethora of culture made her develop passions for many things, what they all have in common: they are creative expressions.

Since 2000 Joja djs in Vienna, Linz, Graz as well as in Istanbul, Bratislava, London or Marrakech. In 2008 she discovers her love for Radio and hosts her own weekly show until 2012. Since summer 2016 Joja presents FM4 La Boum De Luxe once a month.

Johanna Mayr-Keber studied architecture on the Technical University Vienna and works as an architect full-time. In 2013 she founded V ARE, an association to support cultural networks.

Juxtaposing different expressions to enhance their otherness, is a structural idea that accompanies everything she works on. Musically this evolves into an unpredictable journey through the fields of various rhythms.

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