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Steven Mitchell (fr)

Samstag, 03 Mär 2018
Let's Get Physical
[Biografie derzeit nur in Englisch verfügbar]
Activist, trainer, vélorutionnaire!
Having organised various camps in France and attended others in other countries I've had quite a lot of experience over the past 8 years of different struggles in different places. French Climate Camp (Camp Action Climat), the ZAD, Bure, Hinkley point, Gorleben, Olkilouto, Global Power Shift, European Climate Skill Share, Ende Gelande, CJA... those are a few of the places/struggles I've been to/involved with.
A logical step for me after the COP21 was to be part of a new training collective Diffraction! We are a small self organised group that train people in our free time, afternoon or evening workshops upto full day trainings! We've already trained people for Ende Gelande, Creative actions for the ZAD, Sustainable Activism. In 2018 we plan to develop a new workshop about power and privilege in groups and our aim is to host a Training for trainers (T4T) before the end of the year!
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