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Mira Kapfinger (at)

Sunday, 03 Mar 2019

Mira Kapfinger is a member of climate justice group System Change, not Climate Change!. Above all, she is involved in the working group "Third Runway", which opposes the expansion of Vienna Airport and the growth of air traffic. She is co-founder and campaigner of the global network Stay Grounded. The network works to reduce the expansion of the aviation sector, which leads to increasing damage to the climate, biodiversity and local residents.

As a youth reporter, in 2014 Mira was a member of the Austrian delegation to the UN climate summit in Lima in the project UN climate reporter of the Youth Environmental Platform. She traveled to COP21 in Paris as a mentor to the new generation of youth reporters. In 2009 she covered the events surrounding the UN climate conference in Copenhagen for Radio Orange 94.0.

Mira studied Environmental and Bioresource Management at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU). She wrote her master's thesis in the research project COSIMA - Controlling community-oriented social innovations for climate protection and climate change adaptation. Her dissertation The Case of Hainburg - Example of Successful Civil Disobedience has been awarded the 2nd place of the Fred Schneider Award "Lessons to be learned from history".

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