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Music for Graz: Nils Frahm is coming to Graz

On 7 July 2023, the accomplished composer, producer and acclaimed artist Nils Frahm will give a concert at the Kasematten in Graz. Frahm's music will be presented in a unique and unforgettable way through his virtuoso piano playing and experimental approach to sounds, delighting not only fans of classical, experimental and ambient music.
He has reincarnated the centuries-old figure of the pianist-composer for a new generation of music lovers. When it comes to defining the space between classical and electronic music, hardly any other name is mentioned as often as Nils Frahm.
The Kasematten with its historic walls offer a unique atmosphere for the concert. You can look forward to an unforgettable evening enjoying Frahm's music in an intimate and impressive setting.
Tickets are available now!
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