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Elevate Festival 2023 Liveticker

The Elevate Festival Liveticker on Telegram keeps you informed around the clock - lineup changes and the latest information await you!
Sunday, 5.3.2023
14:00: The 19th edition of the Elevate Festival will be brought to a festive close in the Heimatsaal with Sofia Kourtesis, who is finally coming to Graz, Neuzeitliche Bodenbeläge, Attila, 600-cell and Andrea Ida.
See you on the dancefloor!
10:15: Good morning Elevators! Welcome to the last day of Elevate Festival 2023! I hope you enjoyed yesterday's programme.
Sunday begins in a cosy way with a brunch in the new Gatto in the museum at Volkskundemuseum from 11:00 to 14:00. Musical accompaniment will be provided by Toni Talwärts.
Saturday, 4.3.2023
22:00: We’re so looking forward to presenting you the Nyege Nyege Labelnight in the Tunnel. Expect electrifying beats and infectious rhythms. Come and join us!
Planetary Assault Systems (Luke Slater), JakoJako, DJ Bone and more artists will heat up the dancefloor at Dom im Berg.
20:00: In half an hour a very special concert will begin: Panda Bear & Sonic Boom. On the album they will present at Elevate, they combine their penchant for sixties pop in a sample-based, sun-drenched album – ecstatic psych-pop bliss.
Before that, there are no-frills beautiful synth-pop numbers from Tents and a fairytale sound cosmos inspired by Russian & Japanese pop music and films of the 70s and 80s from Kate NV.
16:30: We keep hearing that it's five minutes (or a minute, or even 10 seconds) to twelve until global Armageddon (global warming, nuclear war, global pandemic, total digital control over our lives...), so now is the last moment to wake up and prevent the catastrophe. But what if the only way to prevent a catastrophe is to assume that it has already happened, that the apocalyptic zero hour is already five minutes past?
With his lecture "Only a catastrophe can save us", the Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Žižek pleads to prevent a catastrophe by dating it ahead.
The lecture starts at 18:00 at the Orpheum. There are still a few tickets (standing room) left via ntry and at the box office:
12:30: Welcome to day 4 at Elevate Festival!
We started early today with the workshop "Elevate Migrant Voices!" where we discussed new ideas for participation and migrant life in Graz. Thank you all for being there and getting involved!
At 13:00 we’re looking forward to the panel "Alliances in the climate crisis" with Andreas Sator, Cornelia Daniel, Christian Metschina, Dieter Thyr and Florian Maringer in the Heimatsaal.
More information about the panel can be found here:
Friday, 3.3.2023
21:45: From 22:00 the club programme starts at the Elevate Festival 2023 in Dom im Berg. Tickets for a night with The Gaslamp Killer, Ninos du Brasil, Aisha Devi, Courtesy and other national and international acts are still available at the box office. See you on the dancefloor!
17:30: Today it is worth being early at the Orpheum, because at 19:30 "pflügl", a short film by Andreas Trobollowitsch, will be shown at the Orpheum Extra.
At 20:15 the music programme continues with a special concert evening with one of the most respected modular synthesiser acts worldwide Caterina Barbieri, Bogdan Raczynski and Subletvis & Klimentina Li.
More info about the music programme and the schedule:
15:00: For those who missed it yesterday, there will be screenings of the sound installation/performance "hybrid #1 - ⥀12" by Andreas Trobollowitsch today at 15:30 / 17:00 / 18:30 / 20:00 at Forum Stadtpark.
The discourse programme will continue with "Not Just Another Word - Free (digital) Speech and Regulation" with Michael Bossetta, Eliška Pírková, Sylke Gruhnwald and Julia Herrnböck until 16:00. This will be followed by the Net Political Evening and the film "Neptune Frost" – a sci-fi punk musical by Saul Williams und Anisia Uzeyman – will be shown to conclude the Discourse Day. Free admission!
13:00: In just a few seconds, acclaimed science fiction author, blogger and digital rights activist Cory Doctorow will step onto the Discourse stage at the Heimatsaal to offer insights into a new era of capitalist economics in his keynote "Chokepoint Capitalism".
Here you can watch the livestream:
09:00: Good morning Elevators! Welcome to day 3!
The day begins early with the exciting workshop "Classifying Humans – a data annotation workshop" by KairUs in the Heimatsaal Foyer of the Volkskundemuseum at 10:00.
Through practical exercises, a critical discussion on the bias of datasets and the ethics of Artificial Intelligence will be stimulated. The workshop assumes no prior technical knowledge. There are still a few spots left!
Registration: discourse(at) or just come by!
Thursday, 2.3.2023
17:30: In one hour, the sound installation by Caterina Barbieri "Music for Elevators" will be opened in the Schlossberg elevator.
Afterwards, the tour continues to Forum Stadtpark, where the sound sculpture "when the music is over / melt in peace" by Andreas Trobollowitsch will be unveiled.
12:30: Let's go to Heimatsaal, where the interactive installation by KairUs "Suspicious Behaviour" can be experienced until 19:00.
The work shows a world of hidden human labour that forms the basis of how "intelligent" image processing systems interpret our actions.
During a walk through Graz, the historical city map panels, which are accompanied by artworks from the series "(Unlikely) Alliances", can be viewed. In cooperation with zweintopf, a number of national and international artists have been invited to deal artistically with this year's festival theme "(Unlikely) Alliances".
An overview of the locations can be found here >>
09:00: Good morning Elevators! Did you enjoy the opening yesterday at the Orpheum?
Elevate festival's first day in the discourse programm is kicking off with a thought-provoking keynote at 13:00 in the Heimatsaal by journalist Knut Cordsen. As a cultural editor, political scientist, and sociologist, Knut will ask the tough question: Just how much activism can our society handle?
The panel is broadcasted live on the free radio stations: Radio Helsinki Graz, Freirad Innsbruck and Radiofabrik Salzburg and also on the Elevate livestream.
Check out the discourse programme for more information!
09:00: Today is the day! The Elevate Festival 2023 will be opened by the bestselling author Sibylle Berg at 20:00 with free admission in the large theatre hall of the Graz Orpheum. (Admission starts at 19:00). With her books, essays, columns and plays, Sibylle Berg is one of the best-known contemporary writers and dramaturges in the German-speaking world.
The Belarusian Yegor Zabelov, one of the most innovative and original accordion players in Eastern Europe, will accompany the evening musically.
This year, the performance duo Marta Navaridas & Alex Deutinger will host the festival opening. As "Unlikely Aliens", the two will playfully accompany the audience and guests through the evening.
Afterwards there will be a DJ set by Katharina Oberegger & Philipp Strohmeier / Likely Alliance.
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