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How can the growing world population feed itself?
Around 800 million people are starving and more than 20.000 die from hunger every single day. Industrial agriculture (primarily the production of animal based products) is the main cause of climate change.
For the first time in Graz, alternative nobel prize laureate Vandana Shiva will speak about these challenges as well as about current agricultural politics and the promising initiatives and movements promoting positive change worldwide. The main focus of this event is to highlight their inspiring work.
More and more people get involved in creating and implementing pathbreaking new ways of food production and distribution. Their initiatives range from community supported agriculture (CSA) and food co-ops, community gardens and fields, to huge food forests and edible cities. They all work in a very participatory fashion and focus on innovative methods of organic production. Agro-ecology and food sovereignty are at the center of this global movement that already involves hundreds of millions of people.
In the course of this event exciting local as well as international projects will present their work. After the panel session we´ll split up into smaller groups so that the audience can get into close contact with the initiatives´ protagonists. Participants will get more in depth information and will find out how they can get involved in the fundamental transformation of our food and agriculture system.
Monday, 26 Oct
13:00 - 16:00
Forum Stadtpark
Stadtpark 1, 8010 Graz
Information & Links
- Die Zeit ist reif für Ernährungssouveränität! (Broschüre, neue Auflage)
- Peasant agriculture is a true solution to the climate crisis (La Via Campesina, September 2015)
- Peak soil: industrial civilisation is on the verge of eating itself
- Ernährungssouveränität - Für eine andere Agrar- und Lebensmittelpolitik in Europa
- Friss oder stirb: Wie wir den Machthunger der Lebensmittelkonzerne brechen und uns besser ernähren können
- Urban Gardening - Über die Rückkehr der Gärten in die Stadt
- Arche Noah Handbuch Bio-Gemüse
- Permakultur für alle - Harmonisch leben und einfach gärtnern im Einklang mit der Natur
- Terra Preta - Mit Klimagärtnern die Welt retten und gesunde Lebensmittel produzieren
- Nyéléni Austria - Bewegung für Ernährungssouveränität
- La Via Campesina: International Peasant Movement
- Solidarische Landwirtschaft
Vandana Shiva (in)
Ulli & Scott Klein (at)
Sophie Magon (fr) - via Videostream
David Steinwender (at)
Tamara Mona Ussner (at)
Su Albrecht (at)
Jacqueline Cramer (us) - via Videostream
Dorn Cox (us) - via Videostream
Moderation: Josef Obermoser (CROSSROADS, FORUM STADTPARK, Elevate)
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