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Elevate Interview: Margarethe Maierhofer-Lischka

Die Kontrabassistin, Wissenschaftlerin und Klangkünstlerin Margarethe Maierhofer-Lischka im Elevate-Interview zum Festivalthema Human Nature. (in englischer Sprache)

Margarethe Maierhofer-Lischka ist bei Elevate am Donnerstag als Musikerin ("We Are what we Hear") und am Freitag 06.03.2020 als Diskussionsteilnehmerin im Einsatz. "Music: A Universal Language of Humankind?" ist der Titel der Diskussionsrunde an der sie teilnimmt.

Freier Eintritt im Forum Stadtpark! Infos zum Diskursprogramm.


Elevate's festival theme 2020 is "Human Nature". What's your second thought about it?

There are so many deep discussions in philosophy about "die menschliche Natur" (or "das Wesen des Menschen"), and this comes up today even more urgently, because we are changing and modifying ourselves and nature constantly, and to think about "das Wesen des Menschen" means to think about the nature of beings that become more and more cyborgs.

And your first?


Quo Vadis Humanity? In 2009 Elevate's main theme was the climate crisis. 10 years have passed. Whats your take on the next 10?

The climate question will stay, it feels we are still far from ready to solve this.

The relationship of humans and technology - more reasons to be pessimistic or optimistic? Can you name some?

We have both the practical potential and the cognitive abilities to use technology for the good of all people. What has to come more to the foreground are questions of ethics and personal responsiblility, both in the develoment and the usage of technology. We have to stop creating and using tech as a mechanism behind which we can hide ourselves, our greed, our nastiness. We have to take back the tech from big companies, too, to create tools for people instead of fuels for economy! I believe in open source, both in tech and in science.

And our relationship with nature? Of course we are "part of it", but....where are we going?

I don't know, but in the end we are part of nature, and nature always wins.

"Psycho-spiritual crisis", "a psychotic society",... How bad is the status quo of humanity?

As bad or good as your own state of mind.

A message to the Elevate Festival community? What can we do?

Be mindful. Change starts with little things every day, don't wait for the next big revolution. And, we shouldn't forget our humour. The power of laughter can transform societies, there is a seriousness in carnival traditions that we can reinvent for us today.

Elevate features many amazing artists in the music & arts programme. Can we meet you on the Dancefloor too?

Sure. If you can't dance (or sound) it, it's not my revolution.


Margarethe Maierhofer-Lischka ist bei Elevate am Donnerstag als Musikerin ("We Are what we Hear") und am Freitag 06.03.2020 als Diskussionsteilnehmerin im Einsatz. "Music: A Universal Language of Humankind?" ist der Titel der Diskussionsrunde an der sie teilnimmt.

Freier Eintritt im Forum Stadtpark! Infos zum Diskursprogramm.


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