Tour and News
Monday, 5 Sep 11 03:53
Graz, 29.08.2011 – Further Details for this year’s Elevate Festival line-up have been confirmed. From the 20th to the 26th of October, the Elevate Festival will bring not only renowned international speakers such as peace researcher and Right Livelyhood Award winner Johan Galtung, but also the finest in contemporary Avant-garde and electronic music to Graz.
To ring in the festival, the Elevate Tour will be passing through six European countries allowing Austrian artists to demonstrate their talent and convey the essence of what Elevate is all about.
Elevate on Tour:
On the one hand, the goal of the Elevate Tour is to present young Austrian artists on an international level and to get the agenda of the Festival across on the other.
8 dates in 6 countries involving 25 different artists, offer an interested audience some insight into the young, contemporary music scene in Austria.
Here’s a list of the home-grown artists on the tour roster:
Bernstein (Graz), Bogdo Redstar (Graz), Cheever (Graz), Cherry Sunkist (Vienna), Citizens (Graz), Clara Moto (Graz), DJ Glow (Vienna), Dorian Concept (Vienna), Doze (Graz), feelipa (Graz), Fuckhead (Linz), Henry Bootz (Graz), Id (Graz), IZC (Vienna), Kajkyt (Graz), Lux (Graz), Maximilian Arnold (Innsbruck), NA (Graz), Opcion (Graz), Reflector (Graz), Simon/Off (Graz), Slack Hippy (Vienna), Subtape (Innsbruck), Zanshin (Vienna)
And they will be supported by international acts such as:
Photek (UK), Jon Hopkins (UK), Phon.o (DE), Reddey (IT), Biomat (SK), cfsn Djs (HR) and many more.
Sat. 17.09.2011 / Berlin (GER) @ What?! Club
Fri. 23.09.2011 / Meran/o (IT) @ Sketch Clublounge
Sat. 24.09.2011 / Innsbruck (AT) @ Project
Fri. 30.09.2011 / Graz (AT) @ Postgarage
Sat. 01.10.2011 / Wien (AT) @ Pratersauna
Thu. 06.10.2011 / Budapest (HU) @ A38
Thu. 06.10.2011 / Bratislava (SK) @ KC Dunaj
Fri. 07.10.2011 / Zagreb (HR) @ Tvornica
Music, Art und Literature
The festival itself also has an exciting line-up to offer, ranging from big acts from the international electronic scene to descents into the depths of avant-garde pop.
Recently confirmed artists once again demonstrate Elevate’s blooming variety. A spectrum ranging from Chicago-Deephouse legend Chez Damier, Source Records founder and House All-time favourite David Moufang aka Move D and the Detroit Dub-Techno icon Rod Modell aka DeepChord to Holy Other from one of the most exciting current US-labels Triangle, the self-proclaimed sample-alchemist Maria Minerva, Garage-innovators Dark Sky and the Austrian shooting star Roman Rauch.
New confirmed artists:
Anstam (DE), B. Fleischmann (AT), Clara Moto (AT), Crazy Bitch In A Cave (AT), Dark Sky (UK), DeepChord (US), Gerhard Rühm (AT), Holy Other (UK), Izen (AT), Josip Klobučar (HR), Laokoongruppe (AT), Le Tam Tam (AT), Maria Minerva (EE), Marlene Streeruwitz (AT), Move D (DE), Nite Jewel (US), Phon.o (DE), Roman Rauch & Alex Bayer (AT), Chez Damier (US), Solar Bears (IE), White Elephant (AT)
Line up 2011
Acid Mothers Temple (JP), Anstam (DE), B. Fleischmann (AT), Boddika (UK), Chez Damier (US), Clara Moto (AT), Crazy Bitch In A Cave (AT), Dark Sky (UK), DeepChord (US), Dylan Ettinger (US), Fantastic Mr.Fox (UK), Gerhard Rühm (AT), High Wolf (FR), Holy Other (UK), Hype Williams (UK), Izen (AT), Josip Klobučar (HR), Kajkyt (BA), Kyle Hall (US), Laokoongruppe (AT), Le Tam Tam (AT), Loefah (UK), Maria Minerva (EE), Mark E (UK), Marlene Streeruwitz (AT), Morphosis (LB), Move D (DE), Nite Jewel (US), Pearson Sound aka Ramadanman (UK), Phon.o (DE), Planningtorock (DE), Raz Mesinai aka Badawi (US), Robin Fox (AU), RocketNumberNine (UK), Rockwell (UK), Roman Rauch & Alex Bayer (AT), Simon/off (AT), Solar Bears (IE), Somatic Responses (UK), Space Dimension Controller (UK), The Clonious vs. Cid Rim (AT), White Elephant (AT) + more tba
Press photos:
Similar to last year’s effort, this year will see another cooperation with the Cultural Center Minoriten. As a part of the hörgeREDE initiative, artists like B. Fleischmann, Gerhard Rühm and Marlene Streeruwitz will explore the boundaries between literature and music.
A number of guests in the discourse area have recently been confirmed. Presentations, panel discussions, film screenings and workshops can be attended during the festival and are free of charge. The invited guests include names such as:
Johan Galtung (NO), Kumi Naidoo (ZA), Ondi Timoner (US), Pat Mooney (CA), Sharif Abdel Kouddous US), Mona Bricke (DE), Richard Heinberg (US), Andrea D. Bührmann (DE), James Vasile (US), Vina Yun (AT), Christian Payne (UK), Mark Stevenson (UK), Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed (UK), Iara Lee (BR), Juan Manuel Biaiñ (AR), Niels Boeing (DE), Carolin Wiedemann (DE), Dean Puckett (UK), Angela Köppl (AT), Bernd Röttger (DE), Andrea Kretschmann (DE), Christian Holter (AT), Werner Zittel (DE), Karen Kastenhofer (AT), Volker Eick (DE), Christian Siefkes (DE), Tim Stüttgen (DE), Erich Moechel (AT), Robert Stachel (AT), Margarethe Holzer (AT), Ernst Schriefl (AT), Jens Schanze (DE), Teresa Distelberger (AT), Johanna Muckenhuber (AT), Rainer Rosegger (AT), Theresa Schütz (AT), Urban Liberation Front (AT), Christian Pointner (AT), Michael Bauer (AT), Max Schrems (AT), Marlies Ortner (AT), & many more..
More information regarding details of the discourse programme will be unveiled in the following weeks!