Balance of Elevate Festivals 2011
Thursday,27 Oct 11 15:03
Elevate gives sincere thanks to the visitors, an awesome festival-team, media-partners, promoters and sponsors.
On Tuesday the Elevate Festival celebrated its closing night successfully at the Forum Stadtpark – after five days of discussions, lectures, workshops and documentary films and five nights of live-acts and concerts in venues inside and near the Schlossberg in Graz.
Under the motto „Elevate the 21st Century“, the development of past years and perspectives for the future were discussed. Although there was a huge progress in technical issues, a positive change of society has to come from human beings.
In addition to the Festival Opening, Sunday was certainly one of the festival’s highlights. The documentary film “The Crisis of Civilization” and the main discussion in the evening brought different perspectives of experts together. National and international guests like Mark Stevenson, Corinna Milborn and James Vasile shared their ideas and seeded a lot of motivation with the audience.
This year, the music-program again presented a mixture of electronic music, far away of mainstream. In discussions on Saturday and Sunday, artists took a look at the future of bass- and electronic-music. Workshops also offered the opportunity to improve the personal knowledge about music practically.
The literature-program was held in cooperation with the Kulturzentrum bei den Minoriten again as hörgeREDE – the festival inside the festival.
The Elevate Festival has been known internationally for many years. This time a Bavarian Broadcast–team came to the Styrian capital to report live on the festival and the city. In addition, cooperation with national Media was supported – Radio Helsinki and put some of the discourse events live on air. FM4 and the Kleine Zeitung reported on the festival constantly.
By using the technology of the 21st century, it was also possible to see the discourse program online. Some hundred viewers were counted on the Live-Stream of the Festival’s mediachannel. Data transmission was supported by the new cooperation partner Citycom, which also enabled free WLAN-access at the Forum Stadtpark and the Dom im Berg.
Everybody who missed parts of the program can find detailed information on the Elevate-homepage. It provides screenings of some events, interviews and also a view inside the evening-program by presenting music videos produced by the students of FH-Joanneum during the festival.
The organizers Bernhard Steirer, Daniel Erlacher and Roland Oreski give sincere thanks to the visitors, an awesome festival-team, media-partners, promoters and sponsors.