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MFO (de)

Freitag, 02 Mär 2018
Marcel Weber is a visual artist who works with imagery, light and space. He has been creating and directing audiovisual performances, installations and video works since 2001 both under his own name and as half of former artist-duo MFO. His work is marked by a well-defined and distinctive aesthetic, using images that both resonate with and form a relationship to sound. Applying the musical language and its ability to cut to the heart of our emotional worlds to moving image, an uncommon and ethereal quality emerges, brought to life by his passion for experimental narratives. Weber’s performances are concerned with memory and perception, identity formation and dissolution – particularly in the context of possible futures and their underlying mythologies.
Employing new and old media forms equally, Weber interfaces the 70’s effects workshop with the digital realm, using analogue projectors, film, lenses and mirrors, paint and chemicals alongside digital compositing and generative software. The outcome is a multi-layered experience communicated by dynamic imagery: a cosmos made out of textures and distortions, a magical experience of surreal moments, stimuli for the subconscious.
Recent projects of note include collaborations with film composers such as Roly Porteror Jed Kurzel, sound artists like Lustmore & Biosphere, James Ginzburg or Ben Frost, and club music producers like Clark, Kuedo or Kode9.
The music of Ben Frost is about contrast; influenced as much by Classical Minimalism as by Punk Rock and Metal, Frost's throbbing guitar-based textures emerge from nothing and slowly coalesce into huge, forbidding forms that often eschew conventional structures in favor of the inevitable unfoldings of vast mechanical systems. His music is more than a cerebral exercise and has an undeniable visceral presence, felt as much as heard. His compositions are created with an acute awareness of the listener and their comfort thresholds, exploiting every extreme of pitch and volume. His notorious, building-shaking performances combine amplified electronics with the furious thrashing of live guitars.
“…The emotional power of Frost's music comes precisely from the stark contrast between extremely basic musical material and the deadly virtual instruments he invents to perform it… This is Arvo Pärt as arranged by Trent Reznor” – Wire Magazine, 2007
Ben's Show is a collaboration with the visual artist Marcel Weber aka MFO.
Co-Kuratiert mit dem Todaysart Festival aus Den Haag.
Diese Veranstaltung ist Teil der We Are Europe Festival Kooperation!
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