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Schallfeld Ensemble (at)

Freitag, 02 Mär 2018
In order to transmit the expressive potential of contemporary music in a sensual way, Schallfeld Ensemble develops formats that integrate both composed and improvised forms of music into a visual scenery, employing elements of concert, installation and music theatre. The auditory perception is supported and heightened through light design and visuals, engulfing the audience in an eclectic stream of music. The individual pieces as well as interludes created by Jorge Sánchez-Chiong are characterized by the polarity of clear rhythm and trance-like flows. Between pieces by Arturo Fuentes, Andrés Gutiérrez, Hannes Kerschbaumer and Lorenzo Romano, Sanchez-Chiong will create seamless transitions through electronic fragmentation and recomposition. In conjunction with a lively clubbing atmosphere, this setting promises a strong and multidimensional experience of new music.
Lorenzo Romano- Furore (for violin, cello, clarinet, flute, percussion and electronics)
Arturo Fuentes- New piece*(for violin, cello, doublebass, clarinet, flute, saxophon, percussion, electronics and video)
Andrés Gutiérrez- New piece* (for violin, cello, doublebass, clarinet, flute, saxophon, percussion and electronics)
Hannes Kerschbaumer - Kritzung (for violin and three performers)
Jorge Sánchez-Chiong- Interludes (for ensemble)
Vedran Kolac- Live Visuals
*Pieces commisioned thanks to the support of the Ernst von Siemens Musikstiftung
About Schallfeld Ensemble
Schallfeld is an international ensemble for contemporary music based in Graz. The group sparks the interest of its audience by its vivid virtuosity and refined chamber music sound, paired with interpretations that pay special attention to concert format, creating events that adapt to the specific venue while aiming for a new dimension of listening. The ensemble was founded in 2013 by alumni of Klangforum Wien and composition students of Kunstuniversität Graz. It currently consists of musicians from 8 nationalities and reflects the diversity and different interests of its members in its artistic direction. In the last few years, Schallfeld has been able to establish itself on international stages through exciting programming with a focus on young composers, innovative concert-stagings as well as through the quality of its collective improvisations and innovative use of live-electronics. Schallfeld sees its mission in bringing music of international young composers to Austria and acting as an ambassador for new music production abroad. Besides its own concert cycle in Graz, Schallfeld is regularly guest in festivals in Austria and abroad, such as Wien Modern, Impuls Graz, Klangspuren Schwaz, Darmstädter Ferienkurse, Afekt (Estonia), Poznan Musical Spring (Poland), EMA (Spain), Daegu International Contemporary Music Festival (South Korea). In 2016 and 2017 Schallfeld has been selected by the Ministry of Foreign/cultural Affairs as rappresentative of NASOM (New Austrian Sound of Music), a program designed to promote young Austrian artists internationally. The ensemble is also involved in pedagogical activities and collaborative theater projects for children and adults. Schallfeld is funded by the municipality of Graz, the federal state of Styria, the Austrian federal Government and receives generous support from the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz and the iem (Institute for Electronic Music and Acoustics) Graz. Past projects by Schallfeld have also received grants by the EU (Youth in Action), Music Austria (MICA) and KulturKontakt Austria.
Co-Kuratiert mit dem Todaysart Festival aus Den Haag.
Diese Veranstaltung ist Teil der We Are Europe Festival Kooperation!
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