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Douglas Rushkoff, author and documentarian, in an Elevate-Interview about the Festival theme Human Nature.

Douglas Rushkoff joins Elevate Festival 2020 on Thursday, 05.03., via Livestream in the discussion about "Rebellion or Extinction".

Free entry at the Festival location Forum Stadtpark! -> Full programme info.


Elevate's festival theme 2020 is "Human Nature". What's your second thought about it?

My second thought is that many people today think that human nature is awful. They blame human beings for climate change, economic inequality, and the subjugation of nature. But I think those are really the systems we put in place that are victimizing us so.

And your first?

Being human is a team sport. We can sustain nature if we work together.

Quo Vadis Humanity? In 2009 Elevate's main theme was the climate crisis. 10 years have passed. Whats your take on the next 10?

Well, I guess Elevate failed in its first mission, right? So maybe Elevate needs to dedicate another decade to climate change?

The relationship of humans and technology - more reasons to be pessimistic or optimistic? Can you name some?

There are too many thousands of possible replies. The reason to be pessimistic is that we program our technologies with no other objective than extraction for economic growth. The better our technologies get at following this command, the worse it is for humans. The reason to be optimistic is that human beings are alive. We can think. We are conscious. We can make different choices. For now.

And our relationship with nature? Of course we are "part of it", but....where are we going?

Where do you think we are going? Nature fights against entropy. Humans, right now, seem to be creating more entropy than complexity.

"Psycho-spiritual crisis", "a psychotic society",... How bad is the status quo of humanity?

How bad? Hard to say. If you were God, what would you think of how you humans are behaving toward nature and one another?

A message to the Elevate Festival community? aka. what can you do?

Don’t start something new. Almost everyone who has an insight or idea immediately thinks they have to start an organization or create a new app or website. What they should be doing is finding the others who have already come to the same or similar conclusions. Find the organizations already out there. Don’t worry about being famous.


Elevate features many amazing artists in the music & arts programme. Can we meet you on the Dancefloor too?

Sure, if you come here. I think I’m only coming virtually this year. Better for that Nature we are trying to protect…:)



Douglas Rushkoff joins Elevate Festival 2020 on Thursday, 05.03., via Livestream in the discussion about "Rebellion or Extinction".

Free entry at the Festival location Forum Stadtpark! -> Full programme info.

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