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Ulrich Brand (de)

Ulrich Brand teaches and researches as Professor of International Politics at the University of Vienna. His main areas of work include the imperial way of life, socio-ecological transformation with a focus on resource, energy and climate policy, and political developments in Latin America. Brand was a member of the Enquete Commission "Growth, Prosperity, Quality of Life" of the German Bundestag. He is co-editor of the "Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik" and member of the scientific advisory board of Attac. With the book "Imperiale Lebensweise" (together with Markus Wissen) he landed on the SPIEGEL bestseller list. In June his new work "Post-Growth and Counter-Hegemony. Klimastreiks, Krise der imperialen Lebensweise und Alternativen zur authorären Globalisierung" will be published by VSA-Verlag.