Samuel Eberenz (ch)
Thursday, 06 Mar 2025
Climate Collapse Care - Von individueller zu gesellschaftlicher Resilienz
10:00 - 12:00
workshop host
Samuel Eberenz has been working as a project manager for climate and energy at the Risk Dialogue Foundation in Zurich since 2021. He aims to facilitate dialogues on technological and societal change – always on the lookout for a good and just life within planetary boundaries. Samuel acts as an editor for science poetry at Consilience Journal and has been co-founder of the “Labor mit Utopieverdacht” since 2015 - an open format in constant struggle with the inaccessibility of utopia and reality alike. At Elevate 2025, he dares the experiment to open up a moment for encounters, getting to know each other and some big and small questions of trust and confidence.