Ksenia Ermoshina (ru)
Saturday, 04 Mar 2017
Revolutionizing Communication
Riot in the Matrix
Born in Saint-Petersburg, Russia, in 1988, Ksenia Ermoshina has started her academic career at the faculty of philosophy at the Saint-Petersburg State University, working on the concepts of "chaos" and "miracles" (from 2005 to 2010). In 2008-2010 she was studying political sociology at the French University College (CUF) where she won a scholarship to make her Master research in Paris, at the University Paris 5. She got her Master degree in 2011 and spent one year in her native city, taking part in the anti-Putin movement and making a fieldwork about the usage of mobile applications by russian activists. In summer 2012 she got a scholarship for PhD studies and entered the Center of Sociology of Innovations (MinesParisTech), famous for its actor-network approach. At the CSI she was studying the process of social and technical innovation experimented and deployed within several arenes of mobilization in Russia, France and Canada and she was especially focusing on the practices of usage of mobile applications as tools of citizen counterpower, citizen expertise and control over the public services. Ksenia finished her PHD in late 2016. She is also performing experimental electronic music and knows the activist scene in Russia very well.