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Elevate Festival Videos 2024

Elevate Festival Media Archive

End Game against Climate Breakdown!?

Will 2020 become the new 1968?

In 2019, lead by Greta Thunberg and school strikers, millions of people orchestrated massive global protests that finally turned the escalating climate crisis the number one topic of public discourse. Media and politicians are paying more attention, but governments and corporations provide close to zero political and economic measures that could drive the fundamental changes that we need to create a future worth living for everyone. Profit interests are placed above human lives.

According to leading scientists, it is highly likely that our societies will collapse in the next years or decades if the elites manage to maintain the status quo. But that´s exactly what they currently attempt to do. How will populations react if they immediately feel the deadly effects of global heating in the western world - as is already the case in Australia and in parts of the USA and Europe? What strategies and forms of action will Fridays For Future and the climate justice movement use to try to increase pressure on decision-makers or to take systemic change into their own hands?

Resistance to increasing inequality, patriarchy, racism and LGBTIQ* hostility has also grown significantly in many parts of the world in recent months. Could the various new mass movements unite to form a large anti-systemic wave that can push back the power of the corporations and the rich and establish alternative economic and political systems? What can we do to help?

Presented in cooperation with We Are Europe.

We Are Europe