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Elevate Festival Videos 2024

Elevate Festival Media Archive

Felix Kubin (de)

Felix Kubin, messenger of exploding lungs, lives and works against gravitation. At the age of 12 he started composing electronic 4-track music which has been put out many years later on various labels such as Dat Politics' SKIPP, A-Musik and Was Soll Das? Schallplatten. His activities comprise futurist pop, electroacoustic and chamber orchestra music, radio plays, performance projects, lectures, workshops and his own record label Gagarin Records. Since 1999 he played on plenty of festivals for electronic music including Sonar, Mutek, Ars Electronica, ISEA and Wien Modern. His artistic output has been published on vinyl, CD and film, in books and magazines. Other groups he was/is involved with include the contemporary ensemble Integrales, the noise project Klangkrieg, the communist singing group Liedertafel Margot Honecker and the tetchy teenage bands Die Egozentrischen 2 and x2.