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Elevate Festival Videos 2024

Elevate Festival Media Archive

Jan Skudlarek (de)

Photo Credit: Manuel Schamberger

Jan Skudlarek, born 1986, holds a doctorate in philosophy and poetry. His book "Der Aufstieg des Mittelfingers. Warum die Beleidigung heute zu guten Ton gehört." published by Rowohlt in 2017 was widely acclaimed.

His new book "Wahrheit und Verschwörung: Wie wir erkennen, was echt und wirklich ist" will be published in March 2019 by Reclam and turns against conspiracy theories and antifactual ways of thinking. In it Skudlarek convincingly argues for a binding concept of truth - our common truth is that which we worked out together on reality and which therefore forms the basis of our thinking and thus acting. According to Skudlarek, private truths and perceived truths are not harmless, but dangerous. They wrongly described reality and thus animated us to questionable actions. In 2018, Skudlarek wrote an essay for Elevate Magazine on the mystery in the post-factual age entitled "Talking about silence: About Hiding". Skudlarek received the Wolfgang-Weyrauch-Förderpreis 2017 and lives and works in Berlin.

He tweets about the themes of his book under the Hashtag #VerschwörungUndWahrheit.