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Elevate Festival Videos 2024

Elevate Festival Media Archive

Fake News

Why are Lies a Problem For Democracy?

Social media and online platforms play an important role in disseminating misleading or false information. They provide global reach with little effort - and with threatening consequences for the democratic debate in the EU.

How can freedom of expression and pluralism of opinion be protected and the right to diverse and reliable information guaranteed? What measures does the EU Action Plan intend to take to curb disinformation? Which measures make democratic sense and what about the future of independent journalism in Europe?

Four renowned experts will be attending the Elevate Festival to discuss these and many other questions with you/the audience: Wolfgang Bogensberger from the Representation of the European Commission in Vienna; the Czech journalist Jan Moláček; Thomas Lohninger, data protection activist of and the journalist and author Barbara Wimmer.

Join the discussion!

#EUdialogues #FutureofEurope