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Elevate Festival Videos 2024

Elevate Festival Media Archive

end(O) – VR

a virtual immersive installation

end(O) -vr merges the aesthetics and technical researches of musician Alex Augier and visual artist Alba G. Corral into an immersive coherent artistic proposition focusing on what turns out to be an original and hypermedia-specific pathway. Sound, image, space and time fuse perfectly into a formally unique synesthetic entity: poetic hypermedia, oneiric and organic, deployed in the space under the control of the two performers. The conception of this hypermedia piece implies that no dimension takes control over the other but instead completes and enriches it. The proposition puts aside the work where image and sound are used for their illustrative, informative or narrative aspects and to put into focus what appears to be an original and hypermedia-specific pathway.

It has been an experimentation on the scales, perspectives, on how to move from an open environment (fulldome) to an individual one, where the angle of vision is different. It has been wanted to take advantage of the possibility that the user chooses the point of view of the piece, since he can see it as if he were flying, choosing the point of focus and perspective. It is a contemplative piece.

Endo (vr) is the annex to the audiovisual diptych created by Alex Augier and Alba Corral. These two artists have been investigating from practice on the different immersive environments, starting with the fulldome (end (o)), following a cylindrical structure.

Alex Augier is an electronic musician based in Paris. His work focuses on hybrid digital aesthetics in a musical and transversal perspective, including sound and visual elements. These elements interact with the space and take mainly the form of singular audiovisual performances. He defends an overview of the creative process where design, programming and technology are an integral part of the artistic project. His works have been presented at international festivals including Ars Electronica (Linz/AT), SAT (Montreal/CA), L.E.V (Gijon/ES), Scopitone (Nantes/FR), Media Ambition Tokyo (Tokyo/JP), Mapping (Geneva/CH), Open Source Art (Gdansk/PL), Multiplicidade (Rio/BR), Athens Digital Arts Festival (Athenes/GR), Nemo (Paris/FR), Sonica (Glasgow/UK)…