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Elevate Festival Videos 2024

Elevate Festival Media Archive

Systemwandel statt Klimakatastrophe!

Neue Wirtschaft und neue Demokratie für eine lebenswerte Zukunft

Life on earth is dominated by an economic system called capitalism that is very good at making rich people richer and destroying livelihoods. It is very bad at distribution wealth fairly and enabling everyone to live a good life. The political system common in most regions of the world is called “democracy”, but how democratic it really is when people's participation is limited to drawing crosses on ballots every few years - for parties who all strive to maintain the status quo and block the fundamental changes we need for a livable future?

There are many alternatives to the currently dominant systems that could ensure a higher quality of life and provide more freedom and justice. Together with Ulrich Brand and Brigitte Kratzwald, we will take a closer look at some of these (current and historical) alternatives. We will ask ourselves how we can push them forward so that we do not have to indulge in the hopelessness and apathy that threaten if the status quo is presented as our only option. If you are wondering what you can contribute to the positive systemic changes we need: we will speak about options for action for all of us. The focus is on just transitions to post-growth societies, economic democracy, citizens' councils and concrete examples of positive transformations.