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Elevate Festival Videos 2024

Elevate Festival Media Archive

Irina Nalis (at)

From Discourse to Disco: Irina Nalis, transformation psychologist and techno veteran, combines her interests and skills as a curator in the discourse program of the Elevate Festival.

In addition to her "Happy Role" at the Elevate Festival, Irina is a post-doctoral researcher at the Christian Doppler Laboratory for Recommender Systems at TU Wien/Computer Science. She conducts research aimed at breaking out of the filter bubble, exploring the interactions between AI, psychology, and democracy. As the honorary chairwoman of the GiN association, she collaborates on creating conditions that enable people with disabilities to exercise self-determination, bringing perspectives of the common good, inclusion, and social innovation into the question of what is "normal." Her interdisciplinary approach is also shared through lectures, consulting, and collaboration with the architecture firm Mostlikely, where she contributes to concepts for new public infrastructure and sustainability strategies in urban development.

"It’s the psychology, lovely." With an affectionate and potential-oriented view of humanity, she enjoys exercising the muscle of change in a team. Irina is an ambassador of the Vienna Manifesto for Digital Humanism and practices the dance of ambiguity tolerance daily.